TeHyBug is probably the most advanced and featured environmental data logger. It serves the data via HTTP, MQTT, OLED Display, or Webserver.
TeHyBug (Temperature Humidity Spy Bug) is an ultimate low-power environmental data spy-bug for your home. It logs environmental data periodically and sends it to the TeHyBug-Server, your own web server, or MQTT broker like a Raspberry Pi, where you can view the data in a nice daily/hourly graph. Measure the environmental data in your private server room, basement, storeroom, library, etc.
How does it work?

Which environmental data does it measure?
Depending on the sensor type that you connect, current firmware supports:
- BME680 for Temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit, Humidity in Percentage, Barometric air pressure in inHg or hPa, Dew point in Celsius or Fahrenheit, Air Quality Resistance
- BME280 for Temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit, Humidity in Percentage, Barometric air pressure in inHg or hPa, Dew point in Celsius or Fahrenheit
- BME280 for Temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit, Barometric air pressure in inHg or hPa
- DHT21/DHT22/AM2320 (and other AOSONG sensors which support DHT22 one wire simulation) for Temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit, Humidity in Percentage, Barometric air pressure in inHg or hPa, Dew point in Celsius or Fahrenheit
- DS18b20 waterproof sensor for Temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit
- MAX44009 for Ambient Light in lux
- VEML6070 for UV Index
It can measure all the data that other “Classic” TeHyBugs in my store.
All sensors (excerpt DS18b20) come with a 25cm long 4PIN Audio Jack cable. The waterproof DS18b20 has a 1m cable.

How does it look like?

What is it?
A universal sensor board with a 18650 Battery holder which supports different detachable i2c/one-wire sensors that can be connected with a 4 pin 3.5mm audio connector. There is also a tight-fit pin-header connector for common i2c sensors/OLED display (VCC->GND->SCL->SDA) or (GND->VCC->SCL->SDA) where you can connect the sensor board without soldering.
There is a 18650 Battery charging circuit, the sensors can be easily swapped and reconfigured via the web interface. It provided multiple data serving modes:
- Free TeHyBug data cloud server
- Uart
You don’t need a Sensor Hub, just a 2.4G WiFi Router, also you are free to use your own custom MQTT Brocker or data server. The battery lasts more than half a year (depends on data serving frequency and sensor type) and can be easily recharged since there is a lipo charging circuit on board.
This is the latest TeHyBug designed to work with a 18650 Battery and only for battery-powered operations, there are also other TeHyBugs, where you can connect any battery from 3.7V up to 12V. But the TeHyBug 18650 is the most advanced board design, designed for better user experience and data serving with battery operation.

How does it serve the data to the remote data source?
You are free to use any third party or own data servers, you have the following choices:
- to use a tehybug.com server as a data server (you’ll have to signup at tehybug.com for this and provide your unique TeHyBug key in your account),
- or to use your own web host like Raspberry Pi or any other web host for data fetching where you’ll be able to set your own custom URL,
- or to use your own MQTT broker like Raspberry Pi or any other MQTT broker for publishing sensor data where you’ll be able to set your own MQTT host,
- or use Blynk, Homeassistant, thingspeak or Domoticz home automation system for logging and displaying data.
There are more TeHyBugs and other IoT devices like Water Leakage sensor, Open door sensor, IoT large and mini Relay, Neopixel led driver and some cool led badges are available in the Tindie Store
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