TeHyBug 18650 Universal is well suited for the outdoor weather station, it large capacity battery which will last for a long (depending on the data frequency and wifi connectivity) it also has a charging circuit, where you can connect a 5.5V solar cell to charge the battery.

Swappable sensors provide you many possibilities for measuring environmental data. It has a tight-fit pin header connector that can accept VCC->GND->i2c sensor modules like BME680/BME280/BMP280

or 4 Pin audio jack connector to accept wired TeHyBug universal sensors like DHT22, DHT21, AM2320, or DS18B20.
Where to get an enclosure for the TeHyBug outdoor weather station?
You will need a “Stevenson Shield”, there are several designs for 3D printing available at Thingiverse, personally I recommend this modular design: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2970799
There are also some shields available for sale at eBay or Amazon, recommended is the TFA Dostmann Weather Sensor Enclosure.

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